SNCF. “I can’t celebrate Christmas with my parents”, when the strike deprives families of reunions

Cancellations of trains are raining: two out of three on December 23, three out of five on December 24… What complicates the reunion for the holidays. Unlucky passengers have turned to carpooling, others will not be able to celebrate Christmas with their families.

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It’s a slightly disturbed departure for the holidays. In the Odysseum car park in Montpellier (34), cars are filling up with passengers who do not know each other. With the rail strike, many people have opted for this solution in extremis.

“We didn’t have a reservation then in the last two days we had three, we are full for the trip !” says group driver Elisa Keller with a smile, “It brings us forty euros, it allows us to contribute directly to fuel and toll costs, it helps a lot in these times, especially with the end of year celebrations”. Some passengers take it philosophically.

I had to join my family from December 19, I had to take a train and it was canceled at the last minute so I headed for Blablacar, cheaper as well. We have eight, nine hours to do Montpellier-Reims, counting the breaks with three people I don’t know, that’s going to be fun!

Same case for Lucas Contignon, who received the cancellation of his TGV by text message a few days ago. “It is the only solution I have found to return to my family”says the young man. “It was inconceivable to stay here. I had to go back at all costs.”

A travel offer that works : from Montpellier, most trips are sold out. As a result, some cannot even go for this alternative.

I had to look for carpooling but was refused. I can’t celebrate Christmas with my parents in Normandy. I’m a little sad, I don’t understand why the strikes happen during the holidays, I’ll have to go after, that’s it…

The young woman confides to us that she is going to celebrate Christmas in Marseille, at a distant aunt’s house.

Another option offered by the platform, the bus. The objective is the same for these travelers : arrive in time for Christmas even if it means extending your journey time.

I had to take two buses, tonight I’m arriving late, I’m picking up my car in Toulouse to go back to the Basque Country… It’s a journey. I left at 6:30 this morning and arrive at 10:30 tonight.

Last Tuesday, reservations on the site have doubled. To meet demand, the company increased its bus network by 50% this weekend. “People are relieved and happy when they see us arrive…! They make us understand that they are happy to have their journey maintained and on time”says Jean-Luc Ang, coach driver at Blablacar.

In France, 200 000 users were affected by cancellations at the SNCF. But the controllers’ strike notice is lifted for the New Year. Too late to ensure the Christmas weekend, but perhaps not to save the New Year’s Eve of December 31.

Justine Salles and Camille Thomaso.

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