Slovenia finally proposes former ambassador Marta Kos as commissioner, a small step towards the parity wanted by Ursula von der Leyen

Re-elected as President of the Commission in July, the German leader wants to create a joint college of 27 commissioners – one per Member State.



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Diplomat and vice-president of the Slovenian party Movement for Freedom, Marta Kos, on April 24, 2022 in Ljubljana (Slovenia). (JURE MAKOVEC / AFP)

After the withdrawal of its candidate, Slovenia nominated former ambassador Marta Kos as its candidate for the European Commission on Monday 9 September, responding to President Ursula von der Leyen’s wish for parity. This new proposal comes after the surprise withdrawal on Friday of Tomaz Vesel, former president of the Court of Auditors, against a backdrop of “divergences” with the head of the European executive.

During a visit to Slovenia last week, the Commission president had urged liberal Prime Minister Robert Golob to reconsider his choice and present the name of a woman, according to media reports in the Alpine country. Re-elected as Commission president in July, the German official wanted to create a parity college of 27 commissioners – one from each member state. But she did not win her case and has struggled to rebalance the composition of her team before the official announcement, expected in principle this week.

Marta Kos, 59, is a former journalist and communications expert who has branched out into diplomacy. She has served as ambassador to Germany and Switzerland. A hearing is due to be held this week before a parliamentary committee, before the decision is officially transmitted to Brussels. The von der Leyen Commission 2024-2029 is theoretically due to take office on November 1.

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