Skin disorders in the groin

What is it about ?

Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin. This patient guide talks about dermatitis of the folds of the groin. There are many causes that can cause inflammation of the skin. The causes are different in babies, children and adults. Often, too quickly, a diagnosis of infection due to a fungus (yeast infection) is asked when it is not.

How to recognize it?

The groins show redness, sometimes accompanied by itching.

How is the diagnosis made?

The doctor will ask you how the lesions appeared, if you have skin lesions in other areas of the body, if you have itching or other symptoms, and if you know of any history of skin conditions in your area. family. He will check if it could be an allergy or a sexually transmitted infection.

Sometimes he will rub the rash with a small brush to remove some skin and send it to the lab for analysis. It can expose the rash to the light of a special lamp that emits UVA rays (Wood’s lamp).

In children
  • Diaper rash or dermatitiss is the number one cause of inflammation of the skin in the groin. The skin is red and dotted with small raised red dots. Small sores can form in severe cases. An infection with Candida, a family of yeasts or fungi, is possible; this is called candidiasis. The presence of small satellite lesions (red patches) around a larger lesion points to this same diagnosis.
In adults
  • A irritation, a irritant eczema (for example due to excessive washing with soap or, in women, the hot and humid environment of the vagina) or allergic eczema is often involved, especially in women but also in men.
  • THE’intertrigo is a skin condition that results from the effect of the moisture-heat-friction trio. It therefore mainly affects skin folds, for example between the fingers, between the toes, under the breasts, between the buttocks (intergluteal fold), in the groin and under the armpits. The skin is moist, red, and sore. Overweight, sweating, poor hygiene, frequent use of panty liners, certain diseases such as diabetes, old age and bed rest make a person more vulnerable to intertrigo. Diaper rash or diaper dermatitis is a form of intertrigo. The affected skin is sensitive to fungal infections (yeast infections) or bacteria (erythrasma).
  • THE’atopic eczema causes a rash accompanied by itching (pruritus). It mainly affects skin folds, face, neck and eyelids. Over time, the skin can also become thicker and rougher. Atopic eczema is often associated withasthma, to hay fever and food allergies. Atopic eczema often begins in childhood. Usually, the disease affects several family members.
  • The yeast infection groin are more common in men than in women. The fungus is then also found on the feet and toenails. This slowly growing rash is characterized by an active, red, peeling (peeling) rim.
  • The candidiasis, a yeast infection caused by a type of fungus called Candida, is common in people with diabetes. If the doctor diagnoses candidiasis, the doctor will suggest a fasting blood test to measure your blood sugar (blood sugar) levels. The infection can also be caused by prolonged antibiotic treatment.
  • The seborrheic dermatitis, a condition that affects the skin where there are many glands that produce sebum (sebaceous glands), for example, in the scalp and skin folds such as the groin. The production of sebum is increased (seborrhea). Seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by dry or oily itching, redness, and scales (skin dandruff). It mainly affects infants and adults between the ages of 18 and 40. Unlike yeast infection, seborrheic dermatitis does not have an active contour, but sores can easily develop. Unlike psoriasis, the redness is less defined and the scaling is a little more vague and yellowish in color.
  • the psoriasis Often affects the folds of the groin. The doctor will also examine the rest of the body, looking for possible lesions (for example small hollows in the nails). Psoriasis most often presents as red, hard and thick, delimited plaques (plaque psoriasis) with a diameter of at least half a centimeter. These plaques are often covered with a layer of white skin flakes (scales). They can appear mainly in the navel, armpits, knees, elbows, nails, scalp and between the buttocks. Psoriasis is when the skin peels, resulting in a characteristic white or silvery scales (skin dandruff). However, often at the folds, due to the humid environment, there is no flaking (reverse psoriasis).
  • THE’erythrasma is a skin infection caused by bacteria of the species Corynebacterium. Reddish in color, to brownish in the folds, the lesions are clearly demarcated. There is no active contour and the peeling is more even. They are usually not the cause of symptoms.
  • The pubic lice can also cause itching and redness of the skin.
  • The scabies, finally, is infection caused by a parasite of the skin (sarcopte) which causes severe itching and small pink pimples (vesicles). Besides the groin, penis and scrotum area, the condition manifests mainly on the wrists and between the fingers. You can then see characteristic small furrows in the skin, ending with a small black dot (this is the sarcopte). Sometimes itching is the one and only symptom.

What can you do ?

If your child has a diaper dermatitis, it is important to stop irritation from stool and urine. So be sure to change your child’s diaper regularly and leave their little buttocks in the open as soon as possible. Zinc-based ointment can protect the skin.

To prevent irritations and yeast infections in the groin area, it is best to wash the skin without soap and dry it thoroughly. Also prefer cotton underwear and loose clothing. Women who experience irritation should preferably wear as few panty liners as possible and stop waxing.

What can your doctor do?

Treatment depends on the diagnosis. If the doctor is not sure of the diagnosis or if the treatment has little effect, he will refer you to a skin specialist (dermatologist).

A candidiasis or a yeast infection generally cured by the local application of a cream against fungi (antifungal cream).

the psoriasis, just like theeczema, can be treated with cortisone cream. Combination preparations containing vitamin D analogues can also be administered.

If you are suffering fromintertrigo, try to reach a normal body weight and practice good hygiene. You can use drying creams (eg zinc oxide). In the presence of a bacterial infection or a yeast infection, the doctor will prescribe an antibacterial or an antifungal.

Good hygiene is essential in the event oferythrasma. Treatment of the rash involves applying an antibacterial or antifungal cream (or taking tablets). Wash yourself regularly with an antibacterial soap (such as povidone iodine) or apply talcum powder to the folds.

For the pubic lice, the doctor will prescribe a cream and the treatment should be repeated after 1 week. The best way to get rid of pubic lice is to shave your pubic hair. The measure is radical. Inform all your partners of the last 2 months.

In case of scabies, all family members should be treated with a cream at the same time. Some home sanitation measures are also necessary (eg washing all clothes).

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Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Genital and inguinal skin disorders’ (2000), updated on 30.05.2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 04.07.2019 – ebpracticenet