six resignations from the bare hand commission of the federation

Death to the bare hand commission of the French Basque pelota federation. Six members have decided to resign at the beginning of this November, as announced by our colleagues from Mediabask. . Together, they deplore not being able to carry out their projects for the discipline. They are six: Christophe Héguy the head of the commission as well as Peyo Béhatéguy, Michel Latchere, Laurent Gayon, René Muscarditz and Xan Parachu, with therefore two elected members of the board of directors for which it was the first mandate. They were elected last December on the list of outgoing president Lilou Etcheverria. Except that eleven months later, they return their apron.

Two reasons given

Among the two major points which led to their resignation, the first concerns the general project that this new team wanted to set up. “We wanted to freshen up this world with our bare hands“explains Xan Parachu, one of the resigners.”That is to say to take care of the bare hand but on all floors, that is to say from small to large seniors and independent too“. In the project, it was notably a question of setting up a system of ascents and descents between the amateur and the professional”with a barrage system by selecting the best amateurs each year, that we would play against the less good independents who will be identified or at the end of the trinquet season, (…) make it be the cancha who speaksXan Parachu details. A tightly knit project, which they intended to carry out.A priori, Lilou Echeverria (editor’s note: president of the French Basque pelota federation) was up for our project“he specifies before adding that”things have changed” and that’ “today, we talk more about it“. On this subject, Lilou Echeverria the president whom we contacted explains that” it was never a question of ascents and descents, I was never interested in ascents descents, never I joined the commission to bring my idea is above it. “He continues:” I too personally would prefer the truth of the field, but we know that it is not necessarily the amateur French champion who rises “.


The other reason for the collective resignation concerns training. The six members of the commission deplore the fact that “private organizations are involved”. For Xan Parachu, “training must be owned and managed by the Federation”. To stay in this straight line, “we had voted to remain in control of the training, but Lilou (Etcheverria) took decisions that were contrary to what had been votedThe disagreement therefore concerns the training center located in Hasparren. “A private body, Esku Pilota will enter the center“deplores Xan Parachu.”We can imagine that in the long term, they will take control of the center and we, we believe that this is not good because what letting the Federation manage this center is also to guarantee a certain integrity. “. On this subject, the president of the federation Lilou Echeverria confirms that there has been a dispute.” They refused that Alain Héguiabéhère (member of Esku Pilota, the association) is renewed as coach “explains his point of view to the president. According to him” Alain Héguiabéhère comes from Esku Pilota, but that is not why (we ‘chose) but for his skills “is justified by the president of the federation. Lilou Echeverria who confirms having therefore maintained his choice, he therefore wrote to the committee that despite the vote” I did not want the center to close, I have therefore appointed Alain Héguiabéhère “.

The two elected will be replaced by Manu Etchemendy and Stéphane Saint Laurent who are moving up the list. The other members will be replaced by other associate members.

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