Show ticket sales fell 84% in 2020

We knew the cultural environment very affected by the pandemic; we now have figures that confirm this. After an exceptional 2019, when attendance records in Quebec theaters were broken, ticket sales fell 84% last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s impressive to have this number in front of you. This confirms the earthquake that we have all experienced in the performing arts sector, ”drops the general manager of the Professional Association of Show Presenters (RIDEAU), Julie-Anne Richard.

It is the Observatory of culture and communications of the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) which unveiled these figures Wednesday by publishing its annual survey on attendance at shows in the province. The fact that the cultural community is so affected is of course no surprise to anyone, but it is the first time that the scale of the situation has been quantified.

Thus, only 1.4 million people attended a show, all disciplines combined, in 2020. This is six times less than the previous year, when 8.7 million spectators attended a performance.

This sharp drop – unheard of since the first publication of the ISQ survey in 2004 – is obviously attributable to the pandemic and the draconian measures it has engendered. Remember that the rooms had to close for 14 weeks from mid-March 2020. By reopening, three months later, they had to considerably restrict their reception capacity to comply with the distancing measures in force. At the end of September, in the middle of the second wave, several cinemas had to close their doors again as their region fell into the red zone.

A good start

The year 2019 had yet reached new heights, both in terms of the number of performances (21,647), attendance (8.7 million) and ticketing revenues ($ 337 million).

With the exception of dance, all disciplines attracted more indoor spectators, an average of 13% more than in 2018. The increase was particularly marked for French (+ 32%) and English (+) song. 21%). Unsurprisingly, these two areas fell sharply in 2020, reaching 86% and 91% respectively.

The survey also notes that Quebec shows attracted 6.5 million spectators in 2019, a new record for this sector. And despite a decline of 82% in 2020, the market share of Quebec shows has nonetheless increased, reaching 91% of performances, 81% of attendance and 73% of box office revenues. It must be said that with the closing of the borders, foreign artists were largely absent on the Quebec stages, notes the Observatory.

Some cultural groups prefer to remain optimistic by clinging to the great pre-pandemic success. “2019 was a record year, we have to remember that and tell ourselves that all is not lost either. We have to give time instead of restarting on new foundations, ”said Laurence Régnier, co-chair of the Conseil québécois du théâtre.

“What is extremely unfortunate is that we were on a roll before the pandemic. The game plan at the time was to get the casuals to come to theaters. Today, the challenge is to win back the customers who were present before the pandemic. It’s a huge step backwards, ”says Julie-Anne Richard, of RIDEAU.

The general director of the Quebec Association of the Record, Show and Video Industry (ADISQ), Eve Paré, notes that “a large part of the population is still hesitant to resume its pre-pandemic activities and therefore to return to the room ”.

Nadine Medawar, Executive Director of the Regroupement québécois de la danse, shares their opinion. In his view, “constant support will be needed for the presenters of shows over the next two years to ensure that they can continue to fulfill their mandate and offer works to the public”.

Governments will also have to be present to support creation, adds Richard.

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