Should you drink kefir?

Dear listeners, dear listeners, today I am going to talk to you about a very special drink, which is acclaimed by the fundamentalists of healthy products. It’s not Pastis from Ile de Ré, although we love fennel, no, the drink I’m going to talk to you about today is called the Kefir. It’s trendy, it’s great, it’s pop, so we’re going to ask ourselves the question, that we don’t have the answer:

Should you drink kefir?

JLP: So explain to us, what is Kefir?

Kefir is consumed as a drink. I did some research and came across this very clear explanation: “Kefir grains share a symbiotic relationship anchored in a matrix of polysaccharides and milk proteins.” Thank you but we did not understand anything. To put it simply, there is fruit kefir and milk kefir. Fruit kefir gives a slightly sparkling drink, slightly sweetened with a vague taste of lemon since you put it in it, milk kefir is more like drinking yogurt, something a little thick that doesn’t really make you want to but it seems that those who like it find it good.

JLP: is it alcoholic?

No, at the risk of disappointing the fundamentalists of the “Ho ben drink a shot you’re not funny” that I warmly greet with an erection of the middle finger, kefir does not contain alcohol. And it is even full of virtues since it is considered a probiotic. Kefir is said to have beneficial effects on the skin, on the immune system and on transit (…well, no kidding about transit – self-censorship) in short, it’s a living drink that feels good.

JLP: what is it made from? A cereal?

Not at all and this is the great particularity of kefir, is that it is made from slightly translucent grains, obtained through the fermentation of goat’s, sheep’s or camel’s milk, not easy to find here, we have many ostriches in Marsilly but it’s not the same, maybe in La Palmyre…

JLP: and where are these seeds found?

That’s what’s pretty cool is that these grains multiply during fermentation, the more drinks you produce, the more grains you get to produce, if everything could be like that… It’s a bit like if you could reinfuse your herbal tea to infinity…(I have references from an old woman, I really need to find a social life again.) These grains have been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years, it would be Caucasian but we don’t I’m not sure of the origin of the thing.

If you are looking for it in the area, you will find it via the internet, in private homes, Monique between Cognac and Saintes offers it, Samira in Rochefort has plenty, you have to search, register on Facebook groups like Kefir Funky Family.

JLP: So you can make it at home?

Yes, you will find plenty of recipes on the internet, water, dried figs, lemon, sugar, the list of ingredients is simple, but fermentation seems quite technical, it is a drink that can apparently help you “fart in the face” if I may allow myself the trivial expression.

JLP: Do you like it Poulette?

What are the things that fart at the …

JLP: no kefir

Ha sorry… Yes, my friend Maude to whom I send a kiss had made me some and it was very good, on the other hand… yeah no I said no joke on the intestinal transit…

JLP: thank you for this self-censorship

Let’s say that it can sometimes speed things up…

JLP: a conclusion perhaps?

Does kefir deserve to be tasted, you decide!

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