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Already compulsory for children under 12, helmets could be imposed on all cyclists. A bill is in fact being debated to generalize this practice. For bicycle users, this is a false good idea.
Good cycling safety reflexes are not adopted by everyone. Far from there. In the streets of Bordeaux (Gironde), not everyone wears a protective helmet. “I have one, but I don’t put it on. It’s stupid”, comments a cyclist. Another ensures that he does not wear one because it is not imposed on him. If the helmet became mandatory on bicycles and scooters, as a bill would like, there would certainly be two camps.
“We are not against wearing a helmet, we are against its obligation which will slow down the development of cycling”, says Ludovic Fouché, president of the Vélo-Cité association. In cycling, the head is affected in one out of three accidents and three out of four deaths are due to head trauma. According to statistics, wearing a helmet reduces the risk of death due to head impact by 65%.