shock wave on the presidential campaign in France

Emmanuel Macron, still not officially declared but who was said to be president-candidate or even candidate-president, is once again president and even warlord. Defense Council, solemn declaration, G7 summit by videoconference, then European summit in Brussels: that is for his agenda Thursday, February 24, the day of the launch of the Russian offensive. Not to mention yet another phone call to Vladimir Putin, this time asking for a halt to military operations.

And it continues on Friday: consultations with his predecessors François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy at the Elysee Palace, NATO summit… Enough to relegate the inauguration of the Agricultural Show on Saturday to the background. The appointment is maintained but will undoubtedly be shortened. As for the rest, no visibility for the moment… Declaration of candidacy scheduled before March 4, next Friday, clap of the end of the Constitutional Council for sponsorships, and meeting announced the next day in Marseille… “A track among others”, warns the entourage of Emmanuel Macron, who is now more master of the clocks as head of state than as a candidate.

Reactions by press release or even solemn declarations in front of the cameras, programs turned upside down, trips or programs canceled… And a change of tone for those who had hitherto spared Russia: even Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour condemned the use of force in Ukraine. No more question of appearing pro-Putin, it has become too risky electorally…

A war in the middle of a presidential campaign is an unprecedented situation. On the macronist side, a minister hopes that this international crisis will rhyme with electoral benefit: “Leadership, solidity, experience”which according to him reinforces the international stature of the Head of State compared to his opponents.

But two subjects risk imposing themselves in the campaign: the new surge in energy prices when purchasing power is already the number one concern of the French, and a probable migratory crisis. Two highly flammable subjects.

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