Shock, actor Benoit Poelvoorde announces the end of his career and reveals his new life!

“Cinema is exhausting, I’m a little exhausted, tired. It’s a job that you have to do with enthusiasm, otherwise it doesn’t work, and I’m fed up”. These remarks, Benoît Poelvoorde made them in 2014, in an interview granted to Sudpresse. In the end, the 58-year-old comedian managed to do violence to himself and continue his acting career. But the point of no return seems to be fast approaching.

The proof, with his recent statements to our colleagues at Evening. During this interview, the Belgian artist announced that he wanted to say goodbye to cinema. “I have reached an age where I have been around this profession and you cannot repeat a hundred times what you have already done or you adapt to always redo the same mayonnaise”he confided before revealing that he has already embarked on a completely different project.

See also: Benoit Poelvoorde interrupts an interview and displays a member of the team of a famous radio station!

Benoît Poelvoorde says “farewell” to the cinema hopes to win a scholarship

“A year and a half ago, I registered for a fairly prestigious scholarship, more important than the Villa Medici. I had to submit a large cultural and artistic file to obtain this scholarship”, reveals the actor known for his roles. In “The ball”, “The big bath”or “In His Hands”. However, do not count on him to say more. The name of this scholarship? He keeps it secret and can reveal it if he “wins the jackpot”: “I owe myself some privacy, I can’t tell you the name of this scholarship because if I don’t have it I’ll look like a fool.”

And if he succeeds, Benoît Poelvoorde, fan of the YouTube channel “La Chaîne de Georges”, will draw a definitive line on the 7th art as he himself announced: “If I have it, I’ll drop out of the cinema because I should devote all my time to this project. It’s a job that will be far from interpretation. I go up a level, go beyond the basic artist-audience relationship”. If some fans hope he gets his way, others are no doubt praying that he can still move them for many years to come in future feature films.


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