Shock! A candidate from Marseille would have had an affair with Ester Exposito, the bomb of the “Elite” series

A few days ago, the princes of love 9 were coming to an end to make way for the Marseilles. Just before the launch of the program, Antoine Goretti found himself at the heart of a rumor accusing him of having been privileged by the production because of an intimate relationship.Something he strongly denied.

During this adventure, the young man who has already tried to find the shoe that suits him left with his suitor Anaïs. Unfortunately, their relationship did not work out. “I understood straight away that it wasn’t going to work, our lives being really too different. In addition, she in the south, me in Paris. And then, in fact, the little kiff I had this summer, he may have passed. But I wish him well, really.” he confessed on Instagram.

This Monday, February 28, 2022, Antoine Goretti appeared in the new video “The Bath of Anguish” by Darko. If he gave a wrong answer on reality TV, the former Marseillais candidate VS the rest of the world had to respond to intimate stories. In addition to learning that he had 400 different conquests, the ex of Julie Bertin went even further in terms of confidences.

For those who are connected to Netflix, you have probably already heard of the Spanish series called Elite. In this one, Ester Exposito embodies Carla Roson Caleruega alias the marquise and turns the heads of Internet users.

According to the words of Antoine Goretti, the latter would have had a one-night stand with her. “She came to Paris this summer, I met her in a club after Italy’s victory at the Euro. I didn’t recognize it because I had never watched the Elite series. She asked me if there was an after party, I told her ‘no’… But the same evening, on returning home, I lost my jacket with my credit card and my keys in it. She offered me to come and have an after party at her hotel and so we both went there” confessed the beautiful tattooed. We feel that many are likely to be jealous…

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