Sherbrooke | Woman arrested for stealing Amazon parcels

(Sherbrooke) A 57-year-old woman was arrested Saturday morning in Sherbrooke because she allegedly stole six parcels from the property of several citizens.

The officers of the Sherbrooke Police Service (SPS) went to a residence located on Hélène-Boullé Street, where the suspect was conducting a “yard sale”.

“Several citizens had noticed the presence of possibly stolen property. According to our information, the lady was caught stealing Amazon packages from many residents of the area,” reads a press release issued by the SPS.

Videos of these thefts are circulating on social media, according to the police force.

The police seized “several electronic items directly related to the mail thefts”, as well as the suspect’s vehicle. The woman then became aggressive towards the officers.

“She grabs one of the policemen and pushes him in the chest and also kicks. She should be handcuffed and taken to SPS headquarters,” the police department said in the same statement.

The suspect was released on a promise to appear. She is expected to face charges of stealing mail, assaulting police officers and obstructing their work.

The Criminal Investigations Division of the SPS is responsible for shedding light on this case.

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