she throws herself into a frozen lake to save children from drowning


France 3

Article written by

A. Brogat, C. Krauskopff-Wolff – France 3

France Televisions

A 23-year-old young woman is celebrated as a hero across the Atlantic for having saved three little girls from certain death, braving danger.

The story has gone around the world. Near Denver, in the United States, a young woman did not hesitate to dive into an icy pond to save three children from drowning, including a little girl who was resuscitated by rescuers. “It’s really hard to see a six-year-old girl with a blue face and wide-open eyes.”, testified the police officer Jusin Dillard, who participated in the rescue operations.

The 23-year-old American, celebrated as a heroine, first saw the scene from her window. She didn’t hesitate for a second to jump into the frozen lake to save the children. “There was no one outside. I knew it was for me, it was up to me“, she told reporters. After two months in hospital, the six-year-old girl was able to return home.

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