“She knows me well”: Rare secrets from Florent Pagny about his daughter Aël, “modest” photographer

And it pleased the singer! “She knows I don’t like posing. But she managed to pull out something that looks like me. Especially right now“, he explained in the interview, continuing on the fact that his family carried him through these difficult times: “They are there, and we put it all into perspective as a family. We don’t want to get caught up in the drama. With us, we tell ourselves that there will always be solutions since there is a problem!

Today, the singer is thinking about the future! While still on the show The Voice, he would like to slow down the pace to finally enjoy his loved ones. “Once I’ve finished my last chemo, the sixth, I’m going to get back on my feet, enjoy life, my loved ones close to nature and that’s a chance. I will check regularly during these six months of break. Then I’ll be back“, he announces.

Besides, he doesn’t really have a choice: his friends and family have given him a nice present! “All my closest people have written me a song, but first I need to bulk up a bit before recording it because I lost muscle. It would be hard to sing too long“, he concludes, always realistic and optimistic.

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