“She-Hulk: Lawyer”: comedy, action and feminism

“Superheroes are billionaires and narcissists. And, for some reason, adult orphans. Nothing to do with me! » Heard in She-Hulk: Lawyer (VF of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law), the replica gives an excellent idea of ​​the character embodied by the versatile and polymorphic Tatiana Maslany (a dozen clones in Orphan Blackit had to be done!) in the series which starts Thursday on Disney+ and whose The duty got to see the first four of nine episodes.

Founded in 1980 by the late Stan Lee and John Buscema, Jennifer Walters is a lawyer. She is also the cousin of Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo here takes over the role he has been playing for 10 years), who will accidentally contaminate her and give birth to another green behemoth. Juggling action and comedy, live action and CGI, the series opens with that, then follows Jen’s adjustment to this new state — which she absolutely does not appreciate. .

Feminist frame

“I like how much she resists what happens to her, noted Tatiana Maslany during a virtual press conference at which The duty was invited. She has built a life, a career, she refuses to give it all up. She does not accept having to suddenly face this new image that society has of her. Because Jennifer Walters hasn’t changed. Unlike her cousin, the green skin, superhuman strength, and two-meter height only transform her physically. She has no alter ego. During an interview granted to Stephen Colbert in The Late Showthe Canadian actress said that in her opinion, this is explained by the fact that “women have learned to repress and control their emotions in order to survive”.

Which fits perfectly with the feminist frame of this series designed and carried by women (among others, the executive producers Jessica Gao and Kat Coiro, respectively head writer and main director). Hence, for example, the fact that the character has a serious problem with the name She-Hulk falling on his head: “I can’t exist without being a derivative of the Hulk?! she protests; or that Jen/She-Hulk gets angry (green) when, in an exclusive interview, she is asked to talk about her diet and her training.

A content that passes wonderfully in scenes highlighting female complicity… even in public toilets – a moment that almost fell by the wayside, some (in the masculine plural) not understanding its meaning; and in some of the character’s reflections on breaking the fourth wall: “Jennifer is aware of the presence of the audience. This hyperconsciousness is part of its power, ”believes Tatiana Maslany, who took great pleasure in playing these asides. And to those who would see there a borrowing from Dead Pool and to flea bag, Jessica Gao points out that “those who know She-Hulk know that she was doing this long before them”. And wham !

Forget the trailer!

She-Hulk: Lawyer (French version of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law)

On Disney +, from August 18

To see in video

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