She does not regret her call for a boycott

The English-speaking Quebecer at the origin of the call for a boycott of a Montreal baker, who allegedly refused to serve customers in English, says he has no regrets in the aftermath of the controversy she created.

” I said to myself Oh my God, When it has arrived. I was sad to see that he refused to serve in English in Montreal. I had never seen that in my Belle Province before,” laments Elaine Dubow Harris, perfectly bilingual.

Elaine Dubow Harris - Angry Anglo

This resident of the Westmount borough wanted to give her version of the facts after having read in The newspaper the testimony of Jérôme Moutonnet, owner of the Brioche Dorée bakery.

This last on Monday accused Elaine Dubow Harris of waging a smear campaign on social networks against his business after saying a single sentence in the language of Molière to an English-speaking customer.

Jérôme Moutonnet, owner of the Brioche Dorée bakery

Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

Jérôme Moutonnet, owner of the Brioche Dorée bakery

“The truth is that I went to his business with friends who only speak English. He refused to speak in their language. I politely asked him why. He replied that it was his country, and that here, we speak French, ”says Mme Dubow Harris.

“He is French from France. Me, I am a real Quebecer born here. I speak both languages ​​without problem. My grandmother is a francophone born in Quebec in 1892,” she retorts, drinking her iced tea.

Elaine Dubow Harris finally warned the baker that he would lose his English-speaking clientele in Westmount if he refused to speak in the language of Shakespeare.

“He told me that he didn’t care and that he didn’t need them,” sighs the one who has lived in the United States for more than 30 years.

The Westmount resident immediately decided to send 35 friends an email with the subject: “Law 96 hit me in the face today! “.

In this text relayed and gone viral on social networks, the lady called outright for a boycott of the Brioche Dorée bakery.

“It was out of my control, I received so many messages. It was all over Instagram and Facebook. I did not understand, ”says the Montrealer.

But does she regret having used Law 96 in this way? “No, not at all”, replies M without Dubow Harris.


Elaine Dubow Harris - Angry Anglo

Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

Contacted on this subject, the owner of the Brioche Dorée defends himself and affirms that no one has “to impose the language in which he serves his customers”.

“Too bad if I lose my customers in English. Since the controversy, I have people from all over Montreal coming to support me. What is at stake here is not a question of language, but of politeness,” explains Jérôme Moutonnet.

♦ Under Bill 101 or the new Bill 96 adopted on Tuesday, a Quebec company is not required to serve its customers in English.

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