Sexuality has no age

While talking about sexuality is no longer taboo today, the sexuality of seniors remains difficult to discuss, especially for women.

Yet menopause does not mean the end of sexual life, and if the libido changes with age it does not disappear. Thus, according to a study by the Little Brothers of the Poor, one in two elderly people have intimate relationships and 94% say they are in love with their spouse.

Peak of separation among 60-year-old couples who want to take advantage of it, sexuality in nursing homes, the “cougar” phenomenon, transformation of the libido, benefits of a fulfilling sex life at any age: It’s life speaks to us without taboo the emotional and intimate life of seniors.

Geraldine Mayr receives Sophie Pilcer, who is a sexologist and couple therapist and who regularly speaks on France Bleu Lorraine. It helps us to go beyond the clichés attached to the sexuality of older people and suggests Ways to maintain desire at any age of life.

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