Sexual violence: the Church announces the questioning of eleven bishops and former bishops


Article written by

C.Guyon, O.Martin F.Bouquillat, T.Simonet, P.Miette – France 2

France Televisions

Monday, November 7, the Church reveals the questioning of eleven bishops or former bishops before civil or canonical justice for sexual violence or their non-denunciation. Among the prelates implicated, a cardinal former bishop of Bordeaux Mgr Ricard, who would have recognized reprehensible acts on a minor of 14 years 35 years ago.

Eleven bishops or former bishops have been implicated in cases of sexual violence announced the president of the Conference of Bishops of France Monday, November 7 in Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées). During an unexpected press briefing, he read the confession of Bishop Ricard, former bishop of Bordeaux (Gironde).Thirty-five years ago, when I was parish priest, I behaved in a reprehensible way with a 14-year-old girl. My behavior necessarily caused serious and lasting consequences for this person“, said Bishop de Moulins Beaufort, President of the Conference of Bishops of France.

Having become a cardinal, Jean-Pierre Ricard spoke in 2013 on the cases of pedophilia within the Church. The announcement comes a few weeks after revelations in the press about the former bishop Michel Santier. It was sanctioned by the Church in the greatest secrecy. The Conference of Bishops of France should announce measures, Tuesday, November 8, for more communication and better transparency.

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