Sexual violence at school | QS reintroduces a bill with the support of the PQ and the PLQ

The three opposition parties are uniting to “put pressure” on the Minister of Education, Bernard Drainville, by demanding the adoption by June of a framework law to fight against sexual violence in the workplace. school. A bill will be tabled again on Thursday, this time by solidarity MP Ruba Ghazal.

“This is an important subject that must be dealt with in a cross-partisan way. […] We want to send a clear message to the minister: it takes a framework law to fight against sexual assault in our schools. It’s urgent, ”hammered Sunday Mme Ghazal, during a press conference in Montreal, alongside the collective The voice of young people count, which has been calling for the adoption of such a law for more than five years.

In 2017, Hélène David, who was then Minister responsible for the Status of Women under the Liberal government of Philippe Couillard, had passed a law to combat sexual violence in CEGEPs and universities. Since then, all these establishments must have a policy on the matter, support offices and various support mechanisms.

For meme Ghazal, “it is not normal that in primary and secondary schools, there is not the same type of law to protect young minors, especially when we know that more than half of the complaints of sexual assault come of minors, according to the police”. Québec solidaire spokesperson Manon Massé argued that her party is trying to correct a “blind spot” in the system.

“Let’s not wait for the next tragedy”

“Young people have been doing the work of adults for more than five years now. Now is the time to take responsibility. Let’s not wait for the next drama. Let’s act now,” argued Hawawou Sy, a member of the La voix des jeunes compte collective.


Hawawou Sy, from the collective The voice of young people counts

Bill 397 “will cast a wide net”, promises Mme Ghazal. In particular, it aims to adopt a policy to prevent and combat sexual violence in all establishments, from preschool to secondary school, including vocational training and adult education centres.

The policy would include prevention and awareness measures, mandatory annual training for management and staff, and a detailed complaints process. The presence of services or a resource person on sexual violence is also provided for in each establishment.

Christine Labrie, the supportive MP for Sherbrooke, had already tried to pass a similar bill, but it died on the order paper when the last election was called.

“There are young people who don’t even know what sexual assault is. That’s why we have to do prevention, ”said the liberal Marwah Rizqy, who will support the bill. “Mr. Drainville, I know you are listening to us. We want to have it adopted in this legislature and in an ideal world, by June. We are available, Mr. Drainville, ”she said more directly to the minister.


Liberal Marwah Rizqy

Quebec “sensitive”, but…

In mid-April, after launching a general inquiry into cases of sexual violence in schools, Minister Drainville announced the establishment of a telephone line to report any form of sexual misconduct or violence in schools. The Press however, reported in the aftermath that no one answers this line, which is rather a voicemail.

“It shows once again that we are in emergency mode, when the problem is really deeper than that,” hammered the national spokesperson for the Parti Québécois and former MP for Gaspé, Méganne Perry Mélançon.

In writing, Mr. Drainville’s cabinet said on Sunday that it was “very sensitive to the issues related to sexual violence in our schools”, without however confirming that it will go ahead with a framework law.

“The collective The voice of young people counts was heard in special consultations in 2022 on the bill on the Protector of the student where we can find a complete section on sexual violence. Our government also adopted this law in June 2022,” said press attaché Florence Plourde, recalling that the law provides that a “separate section” of the Plan to Combat Intimidation and violence should be devoted to violence of a sexual nature.

Quebec also wants to make mandatory “training activities for members of management and staff members as well as security measures aimed at countering sexual violence”. These new measures are due to come into force on September 15.

For meme Ghazal however, the Protector of the student “is not enough”. “It’s like an ombudsman, after all. However, we know that as soon as a young person speaks, there must be a resource in the school”, she maintains, recalling that a young person who is attacked does not necessarily want to go to the institution.

With The Canadian Press

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