Several unions will demonstrate at the general council of the Coalition Avenir Québec

Several unions plan to demonstrate from 11:30 a.m. in front of the Saint-Hyacinthe Convention Center, in Montérégie, where the general council of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) is taking place on Saturday.

The Interprofessional Health Federation of Quebec (FIQ), the Public and Parapublic Service Union of Quebec (SFPQ) and the Confederation of National Unions (CSN) have confirmed their presence.

In a press release, the FIQ indicated that its members wish to “remind the CAQ deputies that they still do not have an agreement in principle.”

The SFPQ also wishes to be heard in the context of the renewal of the collective agreement of its 26,000 members, the majority of whom occupy office and technical jobs in Quebec ministries and organizations.

“For months, the CAQ government has been slowing down the progress of negotiations. Our demands are nevertheless reasonable: fair salary conditions which take into account the offers to groups of public sector union members, as well as the job market and inflation. By refusing again and again to recognize the need to promote public service jobs, this government demonstrates its lack of respect for our members and the work they accomplish,” said the general president of the SFPQ, Christian Daigle, in a communicated.

The members of the CSN, for their part, want to express their opposition to the reform of the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, and to the privatization of the health network.

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