Seth Green adds his story to the denunciations against Bill Murray

Bill Murray allegedly threw Seth Green in a trash can by holding him by his ankles as a child. This is what Green says in a testimony that adds to the denunciations made in recent days by several celebrities against the 72-year-old actor.

Posted at 12:16 p.m.

Marissa Groguhe

Marissa Groguhe
The Press

The incident allegedly took place behind the scenes of the show Saturday Night Live (SNL) when Seth Green was only 9 years old. The latter played in one of the numbers, while Murray hosted the evening. Now 48, Green told this 1980s story on the show Good Mythical Morning on Youtube.

” [Murray] saw me sitting on the arm of his chair and made a big fuss about me being there,” said Seth Green. His mother would then have suggested that he move, but the young boy would have refused. “He grabbed me by the ankles, he held me upside down…He hung me over a trash can and he said, ‘The trash goes in the trash can.’ And I was screaming, and I flailed my arms, I twitched, full contact with his testicles. He threw me in the trash, the trash fell. I was horrified. I ran away, hid under the table in my dressing room and cried. »

Bill Murray has not commented on these allegations. He has also not spoken out following testimony from several public figures in recent days portraying him as pushy and sometimes mean.

His former colleague Geena Davis wrote in her recently released memoir that the actor insisted on using a massage machine on his back during a first meeting in a hotel room. He would also have yelled at her in front of more than 300 people during a shoot.

On Saturday, comedian Rob Schneider said that Murray “hated” the actors of SNL when he hosted the show in 1993. “He wasn’t very nice to us. He hated us,” Schneider told the Jim Norton & Sam Roberts Show.

It was also revealed that Bill Murray paid $100,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a member of the crew of a film he was shooting last spring, Being Mortal. Murray allegedly climbed on top of her on horseback and forcibly kissed her through her mask.

The actor said he was “joking”, while the young woman said she was “horrified” by these actions which she described as “completely sexual”. The filming of the film was put on hold last April by Searchlight Picture.

Last year, actress Lucy Liu said that Bill Murray caused a scene during the filming of Charlie’s Angels in 2000, shouting insults and making “inexcusable remarks”.

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