Serial car thefts | The SPVM pinpoints two suspects, the investigation continues

A man and a woman in their forties suspected of having orchestrated a series of break-ins and car thefts, in Saint-Laurent and Bordeaux-Cartierville, have just been arrested by the Montreal police. The duo will now face multiple charges.

Posted at 2:50 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

According to the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM), the alleged facts date back to the end of last month, between April 19 and 27. Ali Bazid and Myriam Forget-Barreck, both 40 years old, would have taken advantage of “the inattention of residents or defective garage doors to break into underground garages and commit their crimes”, say the investigators .

Once inside, the suspects either stole the vehicles outright or they stole “the personal lockers of the residents of the buildings.” Sometimes, “they smashed the windows and seized the property that could be inside vehicles”, also notes the SPVM.

In the end, it was surveillance cameras and members of the neighborhood who caught the suspects “in the act” that enabled the investigators to locate them. Their arrest was finally orchestrated in the past few days.

Loot over $5000

According to a report issued Monday by the authorities, Bazid and Forget-Barreck stole two cars and looted the interiors of at least nine other vehicles, for a total value of more than $5,000. Their loot includes nearly $900 in cash, but also “tires, hubcaps, construction tools, stethoscopes, clothing and purses,” all of which were seized by law enforcement.

The man and the woman in their forties appeared recently before a judge at the Montreal courthouse. They are charged with break and enter, auto theft, theft, receiving more than $5,000 and mischief. Ali Bazid will also face a charge of non-compliance with the conditions.

The police do not exclude that “other events” may be “related to these individuals”. “Other charges could possibly be added”, therefore specify the authorities.

Thus, anyone with relevant information in connection with this file is invited to contact 911, or even their neighborhood station. Info-Crime Montreal’s confidential and anonymous center can also be reached at 514-393-1133. A reporting form can also be completed online, on the organization’s website.

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