sentence reduced to one year suspended prison sentence for ex-CEO Didier Lombard

Former France Telecom CEO Didier Lombard will not go to jail. His sentence was reduced this Friday: the Paris Court of Appeal condemns him for institutional moral harassment to one year in prison, suspended, against one year in prison, including four months closed at first instance.

Didier Lombard, now 80, was fined the same amount of 15,000 euros as that pronounced at first instance, during the first trial in 2019.

The number 2 of France Telecom also sees his sentence reduced

His number 2 at the material time (2007-2008), Louis-Pierre Wenès, was also sentenced on appeal to one year in prison with a suspended sentence and a 15,000 euro fine. Twelve years ago, over the period 2007-2008, a wave of employee suicides shook the group.

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