Every day, those in the know debate the news around Salhia Brakhlia and Renaud Dély.
Reading time: 21 min

The themes :
After being adopted in the National Assembly, the bill aimed at including in the Constitution the “guarantee” of “freedom of women” to resort to abortion is examined Wednesday February 28 by the Senate. But a good part of the senatorial right, led by Gérard Larcher, has already announced his hostility. Is the right trying to buy time or bury the project? Can it afford to fail such a symbolic reform?
By maintaining strategic ambiguity on the possibility of sending Western ground troops to Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron caused an outcry in the French political class. The executive announced this Tuesday a debate and an upcoming vote in the National Assembly on the bilateral security agreement signed by Ukraine and France around ten days ago. Why organize a debate and a vote on the bilateral security agreement? Can the RN and the Insoumis afford to vote against?
The informed:
Julie Marie-Leconte, head of the political department of franceinfo
Gilles Bornstein, political columnist at franceinfo tv
Find all the news from the morning of Wednesday February 28, 2024: