Selective Listening | Snowside, Manu Chao and Les Dales Hawerchuk

Every week, our music journalists add songs to the playlist of The Press on Spotify. Here are three recent titles that are in our selection.

Listen to songs from our playlist

Snowside, Worst Story

Jevonte Senior, aka Snowside, is one of the artists we met during our visit to Studio NBS last fall. Like other young people who take advantage of the recording services offered free of charge in the basement of the Côte-des-Neiges youth center in Montreal, the rapper benefits from the support of Jai Nitai Lotus, director of the place, and its team. Two of the members, Yama//Sato and Killjei, also co-produced Worst Story, whose atmosphere modulates brilliantly during its three minutes. Snowside delivers a heartfelt text which relates his experiences in the streets surrounding the studio where he continues the creation of his first microalbum, Exchange. “This EP allows me to reveal my vulnerability and aspects of myself that I keep mostly hidden,” underlines the 19-year-old artist.

Pascal LeBlanc, The Press

Extract of Worst Storyby Snowside

Read our report on Studio NBS

Manu Chao, Viva Tu


Manu Chao

A new song by Manu Chao which arrives with the first scents of summer, it sounds a bit like our idea of ​​happiness! The former singer of Mano Negra, who made himself known solo at the turn of the 2000s with his albums Clandestino And Próxima Station: Esperanza, whose success was dazzling, had not released anything new for a good fifteen years. He has of course traveled a lot since then, and has, it seems, never stopped making music. This Viva Tu joyful and in love, a kind of swaying rumba in which we find his voice and his sound intact. grooveis a postcard full of life that takes us back to our memories… but which also looks to the future, since we are announcing the release of an album in the fall.

Josée Lapointe, The Press

Extract of Viva Tuby Manu Chao

The Hawerchuk Dales, Beautiful car


The Hawerchuk Dales

With Les Dales Hawerchuk, rock lovers who spank in the dash have always been in the car, but they have rarely been as much as since the recent release of Beautiful car, their first song in no less than eight years. The most roaring four-piece attack in rock du Lac, made up of brothers Sylvain and Sébastien Séguin, bassist Charles Perron and drummer of all fights, Pierre Fortin, arrives in time for summer with a riff as undeniable as the sun that will shine above the convertible aboard which you will have to listen, the volume and the broil noggin, this confession of a man in love as much with his sweetheart as with his tank. From there to concluding that the group will release a full album in the fall, there is a step that its new record company, Bravo Musique, has politely asked us not to take right away.

Dominic Tardif, The Press

Excerpt from Beautiful Car, by Dales Hawerchuk

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