Seine: a beluga swims in Normandy waters




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Thursday, August 4, an unusual animal was Overview in the Seine. A beluga is currently swimming in the waters of the river. Its presence is surprising since this cetacean lives near the Arctic. Quentin bral gives more information about this marine intruder.

Walkers were rather surprised when they thought they saw a dolphin swimming in the Seine. In the end, it wasn’t. “Contrary to what passers-by believed, it is not a dolphin that wanders in the waters next to the Pose dam. It is indeed a beluga. This information was confirmed by the Eure prefecture last night, on the basis of photographs taken on Tuesday (August 2)”reports Quentin bral.

The presence of a beluga is very surprising since usually, this animal does not frequent the waters of the Seine. “For the moment, no information on the marine animal and many questions about its state of health. That’s why another mission is scheduled for this afternoon.”reveals Quentin Bral. The objective is to intervene in order to be able to save this cetacean. This is the third time in a short time that a surprising animal has swum in the waters of the Seine after an orca and a whale.

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