Section supporters are preparing for a decisive fortnight!

This Saturday, March 26, the club’s 120th anniversary celebration promises to be beautiful. And the fans are looking forward to this special day. For the anniversary, but also for the result. A victory, and at the end, 11 or 12 points difference with the “Usaspistes” which would be synonymous with maintenance. You imagined the level of excitement.
And if you missed an episode, note that there is since the beginning of January 2 supporters’ clubs alongside the Section. The historical, the 16th Man, who has been supporting the greens and whites for 15 years, and the last born in the stands of the Hameau: La Honh’Armada! Both dubbed by the governance of the Paloise Béarn Pyrénées Section. General Manager Pierre Lahore knows all too well how important supporters are. So there’s no question of missing out on this opportunity to be a sectionist, a place as festive as it is feared by visitors. And it works !

Because the protagonists of the two entities know each other, appreciate and respect each other. They play thoroughly on complementarity. At the Hamlet, you sing, I answer you and outside we also sing, but we pool the means of transport. This will be the case again to go to Biarritz. To date, The 16th Man and the Honh’Armada, already total 250 registered to support the greens and whites in Aguiléra. The number will surely increase and a 4th bus will be needed. Not to mention all those who will join the stands by their own means. But before, there are 120 candles to blow out then sing for the Section against the USAP! So what are they preparing for us, the supporters?

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