Sébastien (Love is in the meadow) in a relationship with Karine: The after-effects of the accident and naughty confidences

M6 viewers had the pleasure of finding Sebastian, during the second part of the review of Love is in the meadow 2021, broadcast this Monday, November 29, on M6. And, oh joy, it is with Karine that he came to confide in Karine Le Marchand.

From the speed-dating stage, the 46-year-old lavender and cattle breeder fell in love with Karine the brunette. Thus, he invited the beautiful 47-year-old brunette to his home, with Karine the blonde. And very quickly, the two candidates got closer. They got into a couple once alone on the farm and since then they have had the perfect love. A love particularly reinforced by the ordeal they have gone through.

Sébastien was the victim of a quad bike accident which resulted in two broken vertebrae. And during the filming of the balance sheet, he still had sequelae. “Me I’m fine, apart from my back. I took off my corset two weeks, three weeks ago. It hurts. For a month and a half, two months, I couldn’t lie down I was in so much pain. I stayed on some kind of chair. I slept there, with the corset“, he remembered. And, during the filming, he had a hard time not fidgeting as he was in pain. He therefore asked to get up to relieve himself. Karine Le Marchand pointed out to the beautiful brunette that this must be “complicated for some things“.”We get there anyway. He doesn’t suffer at times like this“, therefore specified the contender, hilarious.

Fortunately after the tragedy, Karine quickly made the trip from Paris to his home to take care and help him on his farm, while they had only been together for a month. “I wanted to help him, support him and show him that I was interested in what he was doing“said the pretty sales assistant.

Sébastien and Karine soon under the same roof

Karine was a fan of the show, since she watched it since the first season. And, when she saw Sébastien’s portrait, she knew that something was going to happen between them. And she was not mistaken. They soon realized that they saw life the same way. Thus, Karine was going to start looking at job offers near her companion. They tested living together for three weeks and it was bliss. As a bonus, all of their loved ones liked half of each other. An unexpected dream that came true for Karine, who was single for ten years.

If they did not know it yet during the assessment, the lovebirds have planned to move in together in December as revealed by Karine on Instagram. It only remains to wish them much happiness.

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