Search for a new Prime Minister: before Thierry Beaudet, the Laurent Berger option was considered

During their meeting last week, Emmanuel Macron was refused by the former head of the CFDT, a fierce opponent of pension reform.



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Laurent Berger, former general secretary of the CFDT, leaving a meeting at Matignon, May 16, 2023. (BERTRAND GUAY / AFP)

Former CFDT Secretary General Laurent Berger was approached last week by Emmanuel Macron for the post of Prime Minister, but refused Matignon, franceinfo learned on Tuesday, September 3, from concordant sources.

Nearly two months after the second round of early legislative elections, several names of possible contenders for Matignon have emerged, such as those of the former socialist Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, the president of Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand, or more recently that of Thierry Beaudet, president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council.

Another option had previously been considered by Emmanuel Macron, that of Laurent Berger. During their meeting last week, Emmanuel Macron was refused by the former head of the CFDT, a fierce opponent of pension reform.

Emmanuel Macron set his conditions for appointing the next head of government, namely having no ambition for 2027, having a certain weight in public opinion, being appreciated on the left, knowing how to discuss with the unions or having been their opponent. Laurent Berger ticks several boxes, having been a fierce opponent of the pension reform. But the former unionist refused to run for Matignon. Emmanuel Macron therefore looked at other profiles and notably spoke last week with Thierry Beaudet.

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