Video duration: 1 min
EHPAD: scooter outings for residents
EHPAD: scooter outings for residents
(France 2)
The association “À Vélo Sans Age” offers scooter outings to residents of retirement homes. The opportunity for them to walk around without getting tired.
For their outing, two residents of a retirement home leave in a scooter driven by a volunteer. “I can’t be better. You realize, it’s incredible to be walked around like that”, indicates Claudine Stroobants, 87-year-old retirement home resident. The two women will travel the countryside. They make a first stop at a farm in the area, for a strawberry tasting. Since May, the “À Vélo Sans Age” association has been offering these outings twice a week to EHPAD residents.
“A little outing like that does a lot of good. It gives us an air of youth”, assures Jacqueline Bisiau, 88-year-old retirement home resident. After the campaign, the residents then take a walk in the forest. “It’s happiness. It’s seeing happy people, happy people on scooters”explains Gildas Devaux, head of the “À Vélo Sans Age” association in Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (North).