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Some academies do not hesitate to use social networks to attract candidates. In a video, the rector of the academy of Versailles launched a call to recruit more than 1,300 contract teachers. The session, which must last four days, starting Monday, May 30.
To 9:30 a.m.there is already a crowd in front of the rectorate of Versailles (Yvelines) for recruitment candidates, Monday, May 30. The profiles of teachers are very varied. Fiona Anselmo, holder of a license, accompanies pupils with disabilities in primary school. She came to try her luck to be a school teacher. “It’s a bit unfair for those who do five years of study and pass the exam, but at the same time, I’m very happy to have the opportunity to do it, because I think I could be a good teacher“, she explains.
Others are in full retraining, and are looking for a job that makes sense. “I’ve reached my fifties, so I tell myself that maybe I need to change my life a little bit, have another rhythm“, believes Olivier gallantcandidate teacher of mathematics. Inside, the interviews follow one another. The candidates are all motivated. The Versailles Academy is seeking to recruit 1,300 teachers for the next school year. All applicants should have a response within the next 15 days.