Scandal! Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys) accused of sexual assault, an autistic fan denounces the artist

This is a case that has caused a lot of ink to flow… This Thursday, December 8, 2022, Nick Carter, emblematic member of the Backstreet Boys, was accused of rape by a former autistic fan. According to the statements of the victim, the artist would have abused her in 2001 when she was only 17 years old.

Accompanied by her lawyer, Shannon Ruth spoke at a press conference given in California (United States). She explained in particular that she had filed a complaint against the singer for a rape committed “ on the sidelines of a band concert in Tacoma, Washington “, reports Le Monde. ” Although I have autism and live with cerebral palsy, I believe that nothing has hurt me more in my life than what Nick Carter did to me. “, she said with tears in her eyes.

At the time, the sidekick of Brian Littrell, Kevin Richardson, Howie Dorough and AJ McLean reportedly invited the teenager to come on a tour bus. Once inside, he allegedly gave her a drink at the ” strange taste “said Mark Boskovich, the plaintiff’s lawyer. ” After she drank the juice, Carter took her to the bus bathroom, told her to kneel down, and pulled out her genitals, ordering her to perform sex acts. “, he added.

Three other charges

The lawyer then clarified that the young woman was still a virgin at the time of the facts and that she would not have stopped crying during the attack. Nick Carter would have it then” pushed on the bed “before raping her” despite his protests “. He then allegedly called her ” retarded little bitch claiming that no one would believe her if she spoke. Shannon Ruth would not be the only plaintiff. According to information from our colleagues, three other women have also accused the artist of sexual assault.


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