Saudi Arabia allows 1 million pilgrims to Mecca

The Hajj will be limited to vaccinated pilgrims under the age of 65. Those coming from outside Saudi Arabia will need to present a negative PCR test less than 72 hours old.

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They should be 15 times more numerous than in 2021. Saudi Arabia announced on Saturday April 9 in a press release that it was going to authorize one million practitioners, whether Saudi or from all over the world, to participate in the pilgrimage of the Hajj. As a reminder, after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the Saudi authorities only authorized 1,000 pilgrims to participate. In 2021, the authorization was only valid for 60,000 residents, fully vaccinated and chosen by lot. Before the start of the health crisis, in 2019, around 2.5 million had taken part in this pilgrimage.

But the epidemic and the restrictions that accompany it are not entirely absent. Note, however, that according to the announcement made on Saturday, this year’s Hajj will be limited to vaccinated pilgrims under the age of 65. Those coming from outside Saudi Arabia will need to present a negative PCR test less than 72 hours old.

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