Santé Québec adds four people to its management team

Santé Québec has just added four people to its management team, including the CEO of an integrated university health and social services centre (CIUSSS) in Montreal and a partner from the firm Deloitte.

Vincent Lehouillier was appointed CEO of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal in June 2022. He was appointed Vice-President — Talent, Culture and Engagement at the Agency. Before joining the CISSS, he was Associate Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Health for four years (2018-2022).

The President and CEO (PCD) of Santé Québec, Geneviève Biron, has also selected her Vice-President of Finance in the person of Sonia Dugas, who has been a partner in Financial Consulting Services at Deloitte for two years and has previously worked at CHU Sainte-Justine.

A third vice-president has been selected for communications and public affairs. She is Julie Boucher, formerly of the TGF group (Train à Grande Fréquence) and Hydro-Québec.

Finally, Santé Québec has just appointed a “head of the PCD office” and of “legal affairs and governance”. Patrick Thierry Grenier has also been a senior civil servant, this time at the Ministries of Justice and Family.

Three vice-president positions remain to be filled in the organization chart: information technology, procurement (logistics and infrastructure) and performance and continuous improvement.

These positions must be filled by the end of the summer.

More details will follow.

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