Santa’s health pass

“Come on, only four more sleeps and it’s Christmas. So, despite the restrictions requested by the government, will still have to sit down a bit to make way for a last minute guest, Omicron. , it’s gonna be the crazed guest on New Years Eve. You know, the ugly, stupid, never happy guy, the guy nobody wants, well, he’s going to come. So for Castex this Christmas year, no d “Friends, maybe, but no gifts, for sure. They cost too much. Usually the toys are given without the batteries, but I feel that this year I will give the batteries without the toys.”

We are not immune to making a good show

Find your daily dose of good humor with Willy Rovelli and his tribe in “We are not immune to making a good show”, every day from 12h to 13h on France Bleu.

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