Samuel L. Jackson Receives Honorary Lifetime Achievement Oscar

American actor Samuel L. Jackson, muse – among others – of Quentin Tarantino, received an honorary Oscar on Friday March 25 for his entire career. Aged 73, this black American actor who has distinguished himself in films by Spike Lee (Do the Right Thing) and Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Django Unchained) and as a recurring character in many Marvel films, had so far earned only one Oscar nomination for pulp Fiction.

He was presented with a statuette rewarding his entire career, two days before the grand ceremony of the Oscars. “152 movie titles, $27 billion in revenue, more than any other actor in history,” said Denzel Washington as he presented the award to Samuel L. Jackson. The actor, seated next to Quentin Tarantino in the room, took the stage to discuss his career, including his roles in Jurassic Park and A day in hell. “It was a real pleasure to leave an indelible memory with the public as ‘member of gang number two’, ‘robber’ and ‘unforgettable black’, to name but a few”, he joked.

During this ceremony ahead of the big evening scheduled for Sunday, the Norwegian star Liv Ullmann, revealed internationally by her role in personas by Ingmar Bergman in 1967, before playing in several other films by the Swedish director with whom she had a daughter, also received an Oscar. Elaine May, 89, who had been nominated for an Oscar for the screenplay of Heaven can wait and Primary Colorswas the third person honored.

These honorary Oscars are given each year to reward the work of a lifetime. Last year the ceremony was canceled due to the pandemic, and this year’s was delayed by another wave of Covid-19.

Danny Glover, 75, noticed in The Color Purple by Steven Spielberg, then alongside Mel Gibson in the saga The lethal Weapon, was honored for his political activism. Alongside his acting career, Danny Glover has campaigned for causes ranging from the civil rights movement in the United States to the end of apartheid in South Africa. He thus received the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Prize, which is an Oscar awarded irregularly by the Academy to reward an individual “whose humanitarian action has brought honor to the film industry”.

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