Salty pancakes with gluten-free seafood from Brigitte Moog


For the pancake batter

  • 300ml of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 150g rice flour or gluten-free mix
  • 60g of butter

For garnish :

  • 3 large garlic cloves
  • 80g shallots
  • 20g of parsley
  • 40g of salted butter (or without salt and you add 2 pinches of fine salt)
  • 500g of frozen seafood
  • 30g heavy cream


Put the milk, eggs, salt and flour in a bowl, then mix with a whisk to obtain a very smooth paste, then leave to stand while you make the rest of the preparation.

Heat the butter in a frying pan and during this time finely chop the garlic, shallots and parsley, and add to the pan along with the seafood, sweat everything while stirring.

Filter this preparation, keeping the cooking juices.

Return the cooking juices to the pan and reduce over high heat for about 8 minutes.

Add the fresh cream and mix.

Put the seafood back in the pan with the sauce, this will keep the preparation warm.

Heat a pancake pan with a little butter, cook a first pancake, place it on a plate, garnish it with the preparation then fold up the sides to have a nice presentation.


You can make your pancakes before and keep them warm while you make your preparation.

You can also put them in a dish that you will have heated well before (in the oven for example) keep this dish warm in the oven while you make all the pancakes.

This recipe can be made with the pancake batter of your choice.

For the garnish simply mussels or shrimps without necessarily taking a mixture of seafood.

If you want to make them in advance and for example freeze them to have a small dish in advance, it is easier in this case to roll them.

Good tasting.

source site-35