Russian troops continue their offensives



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Russian strikes continue in Ukraine. Some inhabitants of kyiv take refuge in the metro, in Chernihiv the city is surrounded by Russian troops.

In Kharkiv (Ukraine), Sunday March 27, violinists play a few musical notes in the metro, suspended for a moment to forget the war that is ravaging the country. Here, as in kyiv, the metro has become a haven for civilians. Some wagons turn into a bedroom. In the Ukrainian capital, the authorities assure that the Russian sabotage groups are still trying to enter the city, in addition to the bombs.

The inhabitants try to find their belongings among the ruins. For its part, Chernihiv is surrounded by Russian troops. The mayor explains that it has become impossible to massively evacuate civilians and wounded. The Ukrainian authorities are worried about the situation in the east of the country, but it is throughout the country that Russian strikes continue to rain down. Starting Monday, March 28, a new round of negotiations with Russia will take place in Turkey for two days.

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