Russia-Ukraine, a drifting war

It didn’t all start in February 2022… It was in 2014 that Vladimir Putin ordered the annexation of a region of Ukraine: Crimea.

It is therefore since 2014 that the two belligerents tear each other apart directly or indirectly, systematically failing to peacefully settle their disputes.

Many efforts have been made to end this conflict. Peace talks have either failed or resulted in bogus deals…

Sporadic fighting continued over the years.

Today, it may be too late… Reason has left the table and diplomacy has hit its wall.

But I hear the echo of the wisdom of Albert Einstein: “Nothing will end war unless the peoples themselves refuse to go to war. » …

Farewell peace?

The word has lost the hour… And the cannons now have a monopoly on it.

Currently, we have on the one hand Russian aggressors who are preparing to step up their offensive and on the other, attacked Ukrainians who are trying, with the energy of despair, to reconquer the pieces of their occupied territory.

Hopes for peace have thus passed the stage of deep coma also called coma carus or Stage 3. A state “which is defined by an absolute loss of reaction to all stimuli”.

The situation is serious and volatile. Also, given the level of escalation, the worst case scenario could come true at any time…

This is what made the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, recently say to the United Nations General Assembly: “I fear that the world is not sleeping like a sleepwalker towards a wider war; but I’m afraid he actually does it with his eyes wide open”.

And echoing the wisdom of Albert Einstein to say, “I don’t know how World War III will be fought, but I know how World War Four will be: with sticks and stones. »

All that for this…

If the worst happened, history would remember in particular that everything would have started from a bickering, in 2013, around an issue of geopolitical allegiance to the “Palace” of Ukraine before the outbreak of this war…

The “putsch” against the then “pro-Russian” president of Ukraine and the enthronement of a “pro-Western” president led to a series of events, including the annexation of Crimea and to the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine between government forces and pro-Russian separatists.

The total annexation attempt dating from February 2022 is a new episode relating Vladimir Putin’s desire to maintain, at all costs, Ukraine in Moscow’s sphere of influence and as a “buffer zone”.

Everything is therefore in place for a long and devastating war. Many tears and blood are likely to flow for a long time yet…

But although the chances of a quick end to this war that affects us all are slim, there is an urgent need to find credible mediators for the scaffolding of a lasting peace.

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