Russia “terrorizes” the country with its night attacks, launches Volodymyr Zelensky

What there is to know

Russia “continues to terrorize Ukraine” with its nocturnal attacks, accused the Volodymyr Zelensky Thursday, May 25, announcing the destruction of 36 Russian drones during the night. “None of them achieved their goal”, assured the Ukrainian president on Telegram, thanking the country’s air defense. During the night, the head of the civil and military administration of kyiv announced that he had repelled an attack “massive” of drones over Kyiv. Follow our live.

Of the “saboteurs” Ukrainians arrested in Russia. This was announced by the Russian security service (FSB). “A sabotage group from the Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service (…) attempted to blow up about 30 power transmission lines of the Leningrad and Kalinin nuclear power plants” beginning of May, to provoke “shutdown of nuclear reactors”, the FSB said in a statement. Two Ukrainians were arrested.

Six drones shot down overnight in Crimea. “During the past night, six drones were shot down or blocked (…) in different districts of Crimea”, wrote the local governor installed by Moscow, Sergei Aksionov, on Telegram. The incident did “no casualties or injuries”he pointed out.

A Russian ship attacked in the Black Sea? “Ukrainian Armed Forces unsuccessfully attempted to attack the Black Sea Fleet ship ‘Ivan Khours’…in Turkey’s Exclusive Economic Zone”, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Telegram. Several incidents involving Russian warships or aircraft have occurred in the Black Sea since the start of the offensive in Ukraine.

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