Rouen police officers convicted of racist remarks




Article written by

Maëlle Lecointre, Emmanuel Urtado, Special Envoy, Police: messages of hatred – franceinfo

France Televisions

Friday, November 5, police officers in Rouen (Seine-Maritime) were fined for making racist remarks, in particular against a colleague, Alex, who said he was “shocked”.

Racist and particularly violent remarks. Alex, a 43-year-old police officer, lodged a complaint against six colleagues, particularly active on a WhatsApp group which he became aware of in January 2019. In it, he reads: “I hate black people and moreover gays, so the two mixed together, what a horror”. He then discovers racist, sexist, homophobic and anti-Semitic remarks coming from these police officers in Rouen (Seine-Maritime).

Alex, a black policeman, is directly targeted. “Seeing that we could say something about me, it’s unimaginable, it shocked me, it turned my stomach upside down”, he replies, very touched. In October 2020, five of the six colleagues were dismissed from their posts. The director general of the national police for his part evokes isolated cases. Alex’s former colleagues were fined between 150 and 1,000 euros.

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