Rogers | Competition Bureau investigates Infini plans

(Gatineau) The Competition Bureau has received an order from the Federal Court of Canada requiring Rogers Communications to produce documents related to an investigation into the company’s Infini wireless phone plans.

The Bureau is investigating allegations that Rogers marketing campaigns featured plans offering unlimited data, despite “significant reductions in data speed, known as bandwidth throttling, after a subscriber reaches a certain data cap.

The competition regulator is looking into whether Rogers’ marketing practices regarding these plans comply with the advertising provisions of the Competition Act, which prohibit false or misleading claims to promote a service.

There is no reason to conclude that there was any wrongdoing at this time, the Office said.

Rogers spokesperson Sarah Schmidt says the company’s advertising for its Infinite plans is truthful and clear.

She calls the introduction of these plans in 2019, which eliminated data overage fees, “an important and positive development for consumers and competition.”

Mme Schmidt notes that such unlimited wireless plans are common across Canada and points out that Rogers finds the timing of the Bureau’s investigation, as well as its focus on Rogers, “very concerning.”

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