Rofrane Bambara (Large families) unconscious after a malaise: sudden fall and great trauma

Decidedly, the galleys are linked for Rofrane Bambara. The one who recently confided in wanting to take a step back with the filming of Large families, life in XXL (TF1) shared disturbing news in story Instagram Friday, July 8, 2022. She was the victim of a great discomfort which rendered him unconscious for a time.

This morning, on my way to breakfast around 7am, I felt unwell. this is the first time that it happens to me. I don’t remember anything except opening my eyes and calling Nasser several times, I don’t know how long it lasted and how long I was unconscious since everyone was sleeping at home“, she said. The firefighters then had to intervene to transport her to the emergency room where the verdict fell: Rofrane did an epileptic seizure. “It was really traumatic not knowing what happened, not remembering how it happened, but the main thing is that it gets better thanks to God“, she concluded.

The next day, the mother of the quadruplets Nour, Hajar, Chemsy-Dine and Kheïry-Dine (4 years old) gave her news to her subscribers. “Since yesterday, I’m super tired but hey, I’m resting. I haven’t done much, I hurt my mother-in-law who is at home, my sister, my sisters-in-law… So it’s true that it warms my heart. I know they manage everything so I rest, I take care of myself“, she first rejoiced.

It could have been much more serious

Rofrane Bambara then explained that he still does not remember the events and circumstances of his crisis, except to have found himself “in the coal tar“.”I struggle to speak because I fell on my side and bit my tongue. Luckily I didn’t fall back. It’s still quite traumatic, I won’t hide it from you. I have a lot on the potato because we chain the galleys. It’s an accumulation, fatigue, stress… I have to learn to listen to my body, to stop wanting to surpass my limits. Because I realize that it could have been much more serious“, she still confided.

It is true that these last few months have been particularly difficult for the young woman, weakened by health problems. Before this episode, he was diagnosed with brain lesions which left him with some serious sequelae. “I feel my arm which is heavy. I have discomfort in my eye, but it opens. But it’s more at the level of the leg where I don’t walk“, she summed up.

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