Rofrane Bambara (Large families): Painful decision for her children, she gives herself up without filter

The Bambara children’s first year at school did not go very well. Unfortunately for the former candidates of Large families, life in XXL Rofrane and Nasser, it also ended earlier than expected. A subject that the beautiful brunette mentioned in an Instagram story, Monday, May 30, 2022.

Yesterday, Rofrane and Nasser celebrated their 7 years of marriage. No romantic day but family since their quadruplets Hajar, Noor, Kheïry-Dine (suffering from a form of autism) and Chemsy-Dine (4 years old) were with them all day. A detail that did not escape some internet users, they then asked the mother of the family what was going on. As usual, the beautiful brunette who was struck by the disease told the whole truth, nothing but the truth.

To be very honest, i think the kids won’t go to school anymore until we find a solution. We are waiting for news from the academy, from the school… Just to see what we are doing, or what we are not doing. So it’s gonna be like this“, first of all confided Rofrane Bambara. What is certain is that, despite the concerns they have had with their children’s school since the start of the school year, Nasser and her do not wish to change their institution. “I’m not going to change my school children, redo an adaptation, with other people. They have special needs. And the protocol that has been put in place here, will not be put elsewhere in such a short time. [ils font des demi-journées, NDLR]. So for us the year is coming to an end…“, she justified herself.

Recurring problems with school

While waiting for the next school year, Rofrane and Nasser Bambara will look into the solutions that have been proposed to them, including one that they had considered before finally refusing. “The second was to change schools one month from the end of the year and I said no. They have already been turned upside down: ‘We go there for two hours, we go there for three hours, we go there in the morning, then after that we don’t come, we come back…’ What a year!“, she concluded, promising to keep her subscribers informed of the situation.

On May 25, Rofrane Bambara confided in a concern that one of his sons had at school. The teacher and the ATSEM (specialized territorial agent for nursery schools) had refused to take charge of Keïry-Dine. It had ended in screaming and the withdrawal from school for the day of her four children. “You should know that the teachers choose who there is in their class and in this case, they refused two of our children because we are reality TV people. (…) We are in France, education is accessible to all. When you are a teacher, you do not choose a student for his head, for his beliefs or for anything and even less because these people have chosen to do TV. From the moment two teachers refuse children in their class, you are an outlaw!“, she lamented.

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