Roe v. Wade invalidated | Supreme Court decision denounced by Canadian politicians

As soon as it was made official, the reversal by the United States Supreme Court of the Roe v. Wade judgment which guaranteed the right to abortion led to the first denunciatory comments from the political class in Canada.

Posted at 12:21 p.m.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the news “horrifying.”

“No government, politician or man should dictate to a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. I want Canadian women to know that we will always stand up for your right to choose,” he wrote on Twitter.

On the same social network, the Premier of Quebec François Legault deplored a “sad setback for the rights and freedoms of women”.

Its Minister for the Status of Women, Isabelle Charest, had declared a little earlier to be “wholeheartedly with American women who see their right to abortion threatened”

“In Quebec, we will never let this right be called into question,” she added.

The mayoress of Montreal Valérie Plante added that she was “outraged”, via the same social network. “This decision is an unacceptable setback. Let us denounce it forcefully and vigorously, here as elsewhere. »

The leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec, Dominique Anglade, for her part denounced an “unnamed setback”, speaking of a “dark day for women and their rights and freedoms”.

“We must continue to fight so that our daughters always have more rights than us, not less,” she said on social networks.

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