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Ten years ago, the French road network was the most efficient in the world. Monday april 4thit ranks at the 17ᵉ square. According to the Court of Auditors, 53% national roads require work.
AT Salasc (Herault)the cyclist Jean-Marie Delourme rolls eyes fixed on the ground, to avoid potholes. Driving in the countryside has become risky: “It’s catastrophic, it’s degraded, it’s dangerous”asserts the cyclist. The inhabitants of the village have renamed this departmental road the “route des patches”. The case is far from isolated. At Rouen (Seine Maritime)the municipality has just filled in no less than 14,000 holes.
Over the million kilometers of the French road network, the state of the roads continues to deteriorate. In 2012, according to Court of Audit, 43% roads needed maintenance. This rate is 53% in 2022. In question : disengagement fromState. To solve this problem, you will have to get your hands on the wallet: this is at least what the mobility orientation law recommends, with a budget increased to one billion euros per year by 2037.