“Rivalry, female name” by Racha Belmehdi

In “Rivalité, feminine name” by Racha Belmehdi, we revise our opinion on the alleged female rivalry which would govern relations between women since the dawn of time. Besides, the photo on the cover is quite well known. This is’a snapshot from 1957 where we see in the foreground Jane Mansfield, actress and platinum blonde sex symbol, sporting a plunging neckline. Beside him is the sublime Sophia Loren, the brunette who casts a sidelong glance at Maynsfield’s chest. It seems that his gaze is charged with contempt, even a hint of jealousy. And yet the Italian actress explained it in 2015, she was simply afraid for Maynsfield that her breasts would spring from her dress. Basically she would have fear for his sister, afraid that she will be humiliated, a kindness finally. Like what…

And this photo is valid for many other examples! This is what Racha Belmhedi explains to us. First, it is society that loves oppose women, as in pop music where countless times have happened: Britney in opposition to Christina Aguilera, Whitney or Mariah Carrey etc etc. In short, it’s a seller. And the press loves it, whether it’s actresses or crowned heads. What has worked better in recent years than gossip about the opposition between Kate and Meghan in England?

Fortunately the concept of sorority does indeed emerge. It was time. And that’s the whole concept of the book, to tell us that even if it exists, like competitions between mothers or at work, the only winners are patriarchy and misogyny. This is a well-documented essay and feminist where we will dissect this theme of female rivalry.

Rachida Belmhedi worked in the press and fashion, which strongly inspired her for this first book. Ah and a little anecdote: to come back to the beginning of this column, read Simon Leberaci’s novel “Jane Mainsfield 1967”. Nice reading.

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