Choose foods that are as unprocessed as possible
“Manipulation has costs,” recalls nutritionist Mylène Duplessis-Brochu, of the OLO Foundation. This is even true for carrots, which cost more if you buy them grated or cut, she recalls. Choosing unprocessed foods also helps reduce salt and sugar in our diets.
Compare comparables
Mylène Duplessis-Brochu advises looking at food prices by weight to make informed choices, rather than looking from one package to another.
Don’t cut out protein
This is sometimes the reflex of families who want to pay less at the grocery store, cut out meat without replacing it with another form of protein. If the price of meat is too high, Mylène Duplessis-Brochu recommends tofu, TVP (textured vegetable protein) and legumes. She doesn’t recommend imitation plant-based meats that are ultra-processed, often fatty, salty and overpriced.
Buy dried legumes
Yes, canned chickpeas are already affordable, but dried legumes are champions of low prices: we go from $0.40 to $1.10 for about a serving of canned legumes at $0.15 if taken dry, calculates Stéphanie Côté. This nutritionist advises soaking and cooking a larger amount, then freezing the rest for more convenient use later.

Stéphanie Côté, nutritionist
Promote whole grains
“The foods need to be filling,” says Stephanie Côté, who recommends “whole-grain” versions, which aren’t usually more expensive, like whole-wheat couscous or brown rice. The nutritionist recommends diversifying grains: barley, oats, etc.
Don’t shop by discount prices alone
It’s good to look for bargains, but some very nutritious basic products are never found there, recalls nutritionist Mylène Duplessis-Brochu.
Don’t forget the eggs!
Since they are a highly affordable and very versatile protein source, nutritionist Mylène Duplessis-Brochu believes there is a lot to be gained from breaking down the silos for breakfast!
Think local
The harvest season is over for most Quebec productions, but Quebec apples, root vegetables and cabbage are on sale year-round. In addition, notes Stéphanie Côté, their price and availability vary less than those of imported vegetables. A good plate of grilled vegetables to complete the dinner gives a good boost of flavor, color and nutritional value, at a mini price…
Don’t shy away from frozen or canned foods…
“Frozen fruits and vegetables are often almost as nutritious as fresh ones since they are usually frozen soon after harvest,” explains Bénédicte Fontaine-Bisson, professor at the School of Nutrition Sciences at the University of ‘Ottawa.
…or canned fish!
Bénédicte Fontaine-Bisson also advises adding canned fish and seafood to the menu, because “these are economical alternatives for consuming proteins of excellent quality from seafood products”, which are also very practical and easy. of use.
However, nutritionist Stéphanie Côté advises choosing products from sustainable fishing as much as possible, whether frozen or fresh.