Rihanna soon to be mother and married? A$AP Rocky joins her for the “most important day of her life”

On the other hand, these pictures could well indicate that the singer is about to give birth surrounded by her family on her native island, as she had planned according to The Mirror.There will be a state-of-the-art birthing pool“, revealed the newspaper which also indicated that Rihanna’s friends should be entitled to spa treatments while awaiting delivery. Rihanna, meanwhile, will also benefit from many massages before the birth of her baby. “For her, the day she becomes a mother is the most important day of her life. She wants it to be as magical as possibleexplained the source. She will have with her the people she cares about the most, including her mother Monica and her childhood best friend Sonita Alexander, who is a doctor and with whom she wants to give birth.

They are going to get married, that’s for sure

According to Sunday Mirror, the singer and her companion could also quickly get married in Barbados. “Rihanna is totally in love with A$AP. (…) They are going to get married, that’s for sure. She told her friends that she wanted to be with him forever, and he said the same thing. Nothing is yet planned as to the date of the wedding, but it will not be before the birth of the baby. She always wanted to get married“, would have confided a source close to the couple. The pretty brunette would have already found the godmother of her newborn: the Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Mottley.

As a reminder, a few days ago fashion blogger Louis Pisano announced the couple’s breakup on Twitter. “Rihanna and ASAP Rocky have parted ways. Rihanna broke up with him after catching him cheating on shoe designer Amina Muaddi“, he had tweeted. Quickly, the creator wanted to deny the rumors concerning her. A source close to Rihanna and A$AP Rocky had also revealed that the rumors of breakup and infidelity were “100% fake” and even “a million percent wrong“.”They are fine“confided this same source.

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