Rihanna finally reappears! Images of his first official release since the birth of his son

Before Riri gave birth, A$AP Rocky caused a stir when he was arrested by the police when he got off a private jet from Barbados. The singer, who goes by the real name Rakim Mayers, was suspected of involvement in a shooting last November. A$AP Rocky has since been released on bail. The rapper had to pay the sum of 550,000 dollars (500,000 euros) to find freedom. His home was also searched for the purposes of the investigation. A few weeks earlier, he had been accused of infidelity to Rihanna (rumors which have since been denied).

As a reminder, A$AP Rocky and Rihanna met in 2013 during a musical collaboration. The two music stars had then played a couple in the clip of Fashion Killa. After being good friends for a long time, they finally took the plunge and started dating in 2020. Two years later, the lovebirds welcomed a baby boy in mid-May who we have not yet been able to. find the face. Likewise, Riri and her companion still kept her first name secret. Patience, Riri’s revelations about her precious baby should be soon!

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