In addition to the influence of his mother, a piano teacher, his interest in music materialized in front of a live performance by Jimmy Hendrix at the age of 12. Olivier first learns to play the guitar and then opens up to other instruments such as drums and bass.
Transforming the proofs into a constructive project, the artist will make it his leitmotif. Following the bankruptcy of the company in which he learns the sales trades, he invests the money earned in his true passion, music. He first created his first home recording studio then decided to follow MAO training in Strasbourg.
The Strasbourg native began his experience as a bass player in a Folk/Rock band before setting up his Last Coyote project in 2017. The band managed to get noticed on the local Alsatian scene. The same year, they were selected by the Décibulles springboard festival, the Strasbourg Wine Fair and performed weekly in concert. He then gradually affirmed his identity by offering his own musical creations to the group.
– (c) Felix Misslin
The year 2019 is a pivotal period for the young artist. Its musical atmosphere gradually changes. The pop/electro style then replaced that of the Rock of the 70s. The transition between these two influences materialized during the recording of his first album with Lorenzo’s producer, Karl Benton.
The singer joins forces with his cousin Amadeo Savio (Oeda), active and influential in techno music, to create the Fruit Wall label. The whole team of the label prepares for months the first concert of the singer at La Laiterie (Strasbourg). The latter, scheduled for March 19, 2019, the day of the first health restrictions, is cancelled…
The first confinement then marks the beginning of his activity as an influencer on networks such as Tiktok and Instagram.
After the dazzling success of a first humorous video featuring his mother, Olivier once again teamed up with Amadeo (Oeda) to develop this opportunity. His new role as an influencer allows him to continue to touch the world of creation by imagining and composing content to distribute to his community. More than 2 million people follow him on Tiktok and 52,000 on Instagram.
After succeeding as an influencer, Olivier Hude aka Reve Olver wants to reconnect with his musical passion. To do this, the Strasbourg native has various collaborative projects with other production houses, artists and influencers.